Mental health disorders of all types are relatively common. When combined with addiction issues though, major life problems can be the result. Many people who get a dual diagnosis in Port Arthur need real treatment to get their lives back.
Going through a dual diagnosis treatment facility might sound scary, but suffering from mental health and addiction issues alone is far worse. Without help, many people are never able to turn the corner and get healthy again.
Dual diagnosis in Port Arthur isn't something you have to live with for the rest of your life. You may need to manage your addiction and mental health issues forever, but it doesn't have to be as hard as it is today.
Let our drug and alcohol rehab in Port Arthur help you find the light at the end of the tunnel.
The concept of dual diagnosis has been around for some time in medical fields. It's also commonly discussed among addiction professionals. Very few people outside of these worlds really understand what dual diagnosis is though.
Dual diagnosis is what a person receives after an evaluation that reveals they suffer from mental health and addiction issues at the same time. In most cases, individuals with a dual diagnosis had a mental health issues early in life or developed it as a teenager before becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol.
For some people, mental health disorders are the result of an addiction. Though this isn't common, it can happen to individuals who abuse certain substances like cocaine and alcohol, which can change a person's brain chemistry over time.
Co-occurring disorders, where addiction and mental health issues come about around the same time are very rare, but they can occur. Most people generally suffer from mental health issues before becoming addicts though.
As many as 45% to 50% of the people who end up in drug rehab centers could qualify for a dual diagnosis. Many people who seek help through drug rehab centers don't even realize they have a mental health disorder until they're told during treatment.
These are just a few of the most common types of mental health disorders that our dual diagnosis treatment facility can handle. People with a wide variety of mental health issues develop addictions.
No matter what mental health issues you may have, help is out there for you. Dual diagnosis in Port Arthur doesn't have to be a life sentence.
Getting addiction treatment in Port Arthur for dual diagnosis can seem very scary, but it has helped countless people in the past. That's because controlling a mental health disorder and an addiction at the same time is nearly impossible without help.
Going through our dual diagnosis treatment facility will help you understand your mental health disorder and allow you to finally get treatment for it. From there, addiction can be addressed and you can learn to live without substance abuse.
For many people, dual diagnosis drug rehab centers take a huge weight off of their shoulders within a matter of weeks. There's no reason to suffer alone when help is available for you today by calling (877) 804-1531.